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Dr. Akemi Bailey-Haynie Ph.D., Coach + Mentor

Dr. Akemi Bailey-Haynie is an Author, Founder & President of Global Educational Consultants, Inc. She is a dynamic global peace education, diversity and inclusion, multicultural trainer, facilitator, consultant and humanistic adult educator. Her passion and ability to motivate others to find hope, direction, and a sense of purpose has always been her focus. Being an African American Japanese, daughter of a survivor of the atomic bomb, a proud wife and mother of two sons, gives her a unique perspective for the advancement of peace education and a wealth of experiences that serve as an asset to her outstanding character and distinguished personality. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Columbia College, a Master of Science and Doctorate from Northern Illinois University. She has devoted much of her efforts towards broadening the perspective of more than two million educators, administrators, policy makers, social service agencies, non-profit and corporate personnel, throughout America by helping them understand race relations, diversity and inclusion, multicultural and equity issues, and highlight new systems or strategies to identify early warning signs.

She’s been a change agent for the past 35 years, working as a coach and mentor, consulting, and training the United Nations personnel, United States Institute of Peace, State Governments, Midwest Express Airlines, the seven City Colleges of Chicago, Illinois Community College Board, Chicago Public Schools, Miami Dade County Public Schools, Ohio Department of Education and teaching elementary to graduate students in numerous educational institutions throughout the United States. She has created and worked on various multicultural diversity boards and steering committees. She’s worked as a professor for the University of Chicago, Northern Illinois University, and the University of St. Francis teaching issues surrounding Cultural Anthropology and Diversity. Currently, she’s coaching and teaching future educational leaders in the area of cross-cultural education; those pursuing their English Language Learners (ELL) Certification through Brandman University out of California. She is a subject matter expert in the areas of Peace Education, Diversity & Inclusion, Anti-Racism, Creating Pathways for Greater Transparency & Reform, Relationship Building and Fostering Harmonious Workplaces & Families. Dr. Haynie’s skill set includes developing and delivering curriculum for various industries & organizations, evaluating organizational objectives, identifying next steps for advancement and facilitating customized training that delivers greater results.

She has worked as the National Executive Women’s Director for SGI-USA whose goal is the advancement of peace, culture and education, with 12 million members in 192 counties and territories. She has conceptualized, implemented and directed programs to fosterer and support the key growth and development objectives of more than 90,000 women, from the most marginalized to the affluent, which included self-efficacy and professional growth and development. She chaired international peace conferences in Asia and worked in Vienna, Austria, with ICAN, a global network coalition for the abolishment of nuclear weapons. Her focus has always been grounded in the education, empowerment and equality of all humanity.

Civic involvement has always been an integral part of her life. Dr. Haynie was once Co-founder and Vice- President of Education with Music Education Entertainment Development in the Arts (MEEDA) Productions, a professional and educational training organization who provides preventative methods against gang violence and juvenile delinquency for youth through the arts and entertainment industry. Also, she previously served on the Board of Directors for The Center for Art and Spirituality in International Development (CASID). CASID promotes humanism by linking personal awareness to international economic development through research, training and art. She has been designated as a Certified Professional Speaker with the National African American Speakers Association (NAASA).

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