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Kamei Triebell, Design Assistant - San Diego, California

Kamei (kuh-may) Triebell recently joined the team at Firefly Inclusions, LLC as the Design Assistant. She is a creative and solution-oriented Marketer and Graphic designer with over 6 years of experience helping brands grow. Her passion for creativity, collaboration, grassroots marketing, and community growth drives her enthusiasm to help businesses succeed in competitive markets.

She comes with experience across a variety of industries, including healthcare, clinical trials, weight loss, computer science, government technology, solar energy, and more. She holds an AA in Fine Arts, an AS in Mathematics/Science from Palomar College, and a BA in Communication from California State University San Marcos. In her free time, you can find her hanging out with her dog, going for runs along the beach, hiking, or illustrating her favorite movie and television characters.